Stay Happy & Healthy

Need a morning routine? Michelle Saram shares her notes

Need a morning routine? Michelle Saram shares her notes

My morning routine sets me up physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for a good day. And while I love the comfort and familiarity of my current routine, I’m always on the lookout for novel tweaks or additions to keep it fresh and stimulating. - Michelle Saram

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Countering life’s chaos with the power of silence
Retreat, Mind, Practitioner Interview System Sovereign Retreat, Mind, Practitioner Interview System Sovereign

Countering life’s chaos with the power of silence

Re:Well Silent Retreat is based on Master Subba’s 16 years annual practice of silence in solitude.  Titled “A Day with Me”, it is a structured silent retreat that you may observe in the comfort of your home, devoting time to yourself whilst working through day-long activities designed to provide clarity and directions.   ⁠

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  	 		 		 	 	 		 			 				 					 						[Book Review: Deep Nutrition] Michelle Saram shares her viewpoint on diet and wellness.
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[Book Review: Deep Nutrition] Michelle Saram shares her viewpoint on diet and wellness.

I love food and thoroughly enjoy delicious, well-prepared meals. At the same time, I have always been utterly convinced that food forms a crucial foundation for sustaining our health.

Unintentionally, I began to notice over the years that what and how I eat (amongst other lifestyle factors) exert a tangible impact on how alert, energetic or “well” I feel, and I found myself on a quest of sorts to find the best way to enhance my health, starting with what I feed myself.

When I first read Deep Nutrition, so much of it resonated with what I had learned on my wellness journey both intuitively and by devouring countless books, listening to podcasts, watching documentaries and engaging in discussion with experts in related fields.

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Four Spiritual Truths About Being A Mother. Read this if you a need push towards well-deserved rest.
Mind System Sovereign Mind System Sovereign

Four Spiritual Truths About Being A Mother. Read this if you a need push towards well-deserved rest.

There is a magical, almost ethereal connection between being a mother and spirituality. However, I am not talking about any specific religion or practice.

Motherhood is a journey that can ignite personal growth or transformation, and ultimately, help you find your purpose in life. Intrinsically, it can help you discover who you really are.

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Don’t be fooled by “Low Sugar” labels.
Nutrition System Sovereign Nutrition System Sovereign

Don’t be fooled by “Low Sugar” labels.

There is just no way to avoid it. Sugar is in everything these days, and it is no longer a simple matter of cutting out sweets, ice cream and cakes. It is hidden in the most nefarious way in all sorts of packaged and processed foods, unbeknownst to parents, much less youngsters. 

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Let Food be Your Medicine
Nutrition System Sovereign Nutrition System Sovereign

Let Food be Your Medicine

Scientific research has only made significant progress in the last decade in uncovering the real secret to good health - nutrition - not by ingesting supplements and pills, but by eating real food.

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